But, I wanted to update and say I got a haircut.
On second thought, I feel foolish for this. But I'll do it anyway.
I'm a very type A person; I see a day and think "things need to get done" (as opposed to "things can happen"). Some people may call me anal-retentive, and I may call type B people "bums", but it's all perspective.
Well, I mention this because I've been in need of a haircut for some time now. I've had this curly mop-top that I can seem to do anything with (not that I can do anything with my hair even when it's short. It's been a long battle between my hair and myself. Usually my hair wins). Even though I needed one, I wasn't getting one. Why? I hadn't scheduled it in. So I did, last Saturday.
Now, I don't consider myself a penny-pincher, but I do like value. What's the best thing I can get for the cheapest? You know that great tug-of-war.between quality and price. But, I also know where I am, (please read the following in an urban accent) so thing's ain't gonna be cheap! (you may continue as per usual) But I did find an excellent place called 3 Aces Barber Shop.

A literal barber shop. No appointments. No nails. No women, apparently. You walk in and wait; YOU keep track of when you're next. They even have an old-fashioned barber pole!

Where's the room for that in Hell's Kitchen? Amazing!
When I finally did get my haircut, the man was incredibly attentive, even graciously going over it again when I wanted it a little shorter. And how nimble and fast were his scissors! And the coup de grace: he shaved the back of my neck, with a single, Sweeney-Todd-style razor. Fancy!
And how much did this amazing haircut cost me? $13. 13 bucks! I was flabbergasted.

I then strolled through Hell's Kitchen a bit, just to see what's what (I know! Type-A-me being a bum!). A lo- and behold I found this building, which is...

The Alvin Ailey Theater! I love this choreographer! And while he may have passed away, his works still resonate with me and almost everyone who's ever had the chance to view one of his dances (if you can ever see his dance Revelations, PLEASE please do so). So, to see this theater/dance company/dance school(?) felt like a belated holiday surprise. I have to see if they have classes.

Lastly, earlier in the day I passed by this sign and took a picture of it. Because I thought it was cool.
The "G" flashes. It's a sort of "you had to be there" picture, I guess.
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