Saturday, August 7, 2010

Much Too Young to Feel This Damn Old

I am a quarter of a century old.

Sometimes you turn a year and don't feel that age. You're nine and you turn 10 yet you still feel like a nine year old even though you've entered the illustrious double digits (11 more months and Bubs is there...). Well, this time is different. I already feel 25; I'm already more confident, wiser, and more relaxed. Twenty-five is a good year to start chasing your dreams.

Did I mention I want to take a hip-hop class? After my class yesterday, I saw a hip-hop class and it was mesmerizing. I love the way hip-hop is moving right: it's this interesting juxtaposition between smooth lyric movements and sharp staccato steps, and when it's really good it still tells a story. This class was really good. Don't know if I'm experienced enough for that class, but I'm certain ready for something.

This birthday has already been the best ever: got a call from my 'girls' exactly at midnight; they sang me "Happy Birthday" and then giggled when I told them I was at work. No work tomorrow, though. Gonna wake up, open a beer, and not stop until the day's over. 'Cause that's the best way to celebrate your birth: trying to kill yourself with alcohol. Wink!

1 comment:

  1. Your girls? Hey, that's us! Awesome. I like when I get fancy titles and tags.

    Love you lots, sir.
